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Do you need more money for day-to-day expenses? We can help you reduce your monthly debt installments by up to 50%.

Do you need more money for day-to-day expenses?

Take the first step in getting out of debt. Send us a message through the form below and we’ll call you back as soon as we can!

When we look at the latest information on consumer credit behaviour which was released by credit bureau Compuscan it offers a sobering view on how South Africans use their money. It has revealed that more consumers had moved into higher delinquency categories from Q2 2016 to Q2 2017.

Most notably, increases in the number of consumers with accounts that were 3+ months in arrears were seen in many loan categories.

A slow decay as SA consumers continue to slip deeper into debt

While the number of credit-active consumers listed on the bureau remained consistent at just over 19 million South Africans, Compuscan pointed to a significant increase of 10% year-on-year in the number of consumers with “3+ months in arrears” as the worst position on their credit records.

A 6% decrease in the total number of persons whose worst position was “one to two months in arrears” was also noted. This, it said, alludes to the potential that these consumers’ payment positions deteriorated further, regressing into the “3+ months in arrears” category.

The same trend was noted on an account level, as the bureau reported a 5% year-on-year decrease in accounts that were one to two months in arrears and an 11% year-on-year increase in accounts that were 3+ months in arrears.

Type of debt South Africans struggle with

There are 3 main types of debt South African’s have had a tough time dealing with, are you struggling with these types of financial products?

1. Vehicle & asset debt

Considering the results on both consumer and account level, the study further revealed that consumers had struggled to stay on top of their vehicle and asset finance (VAF), fixed-term agreements, credit cards and store cards.

The data revealed a concerning 32% year-on-year increase in VAF loans that were 3+ months in arrears. Furthermore, there had been a 30% year-on-year increase in fixed-term agreements that were 3+ months behind payment, as well as a 14% increase in adverse enforcements on accounts within the same loan category.

2. Store accounts

The bureau also found a 33% increase in store cards that had been subject to adverse enforcement, indicating that these accounts had been handed over, written off or that the facilities had been revoked.

3. Credit cards & unsecured loans

The study also indicated a 6% year-on-year increase in credit cards that were 3+ months in arrears, along with a 94% year-on-year increase in the number of fixed-term unsecured loans (personal loans with a 6+ month term) that were 3+ months in arrears.

This increase was predominantly noted in Q4 2016, Compuscan said.

Who are the key offenders or most at risk?

Young people, in particular, were among the age group that fared the worst in terms of adhering to their fixed-term agreements, such as retail furniture loans. While the data revealed an overall 13% increase in fixed-term agreements that had been granted to 18 to 29-year olds, the majority (51%) of this age group were 3+ months behind a payment or had been subject to at least one adverse enforcement.

Across all age groups, 31% of fixed-term agreements that were 3+ months in arrears belonged to consumers aged 18 to 29, the credit bureau said.

Be prepared

A long road lies ahead for South African consumers, despite the SA Reserve Bank reporting a better outlook and steady recovery in economic activity over the next 6 to 9 months. If you need some debt survival tips check out the following articles or subscribe to our newsletter and get the latest financial news and tips sent to you.

  1. 12 Ways South Africans Can Handle Credit Card Debt
  2. How South African Parents Can Prepare For School Fees
  3. 10 New Years Resolutions Tips For Your Budget

Manage your debt effectively

If you still need help with your savings and you’re feeling overwhelmed by your current financial situation, feel free to contact us. To Speak to one our consultants about debt review contact us here.

Source: Businesstech

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