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Do you need more money for day-to-day expenses? We can help you reduce your monthly debt installments by up to 50%.

Do you need more money for day-to-day expenses?

Take the first step in getting out of debt. Send us a message through the form below and we’ll call you back as soon as we can!

Today’s modern lifestyle relies heavily on consumer spending, its what keeps the economy afloat. However not all consumer spending is good and we tend to acclimate things we don’t really need, things that are either wants, tends or impulse buys.

As the years go by this sort of spending behaviours result in unwanted goods that are simply thrown into storage in cupboards or in the garage never to be thought of again and only causes clutter, clutter that could be worth a lot of money.

It doesn’t have to be spring to get started sorting out your clutter if anything it should be a long-term commitment to remain clutter free. So in the interest of helping you get rid of clutter and make some extra cash for your efforts we’ve put together a how-to guide on just that.

For more on bad spending habits check out our post – 8 Money Mistakes The Middle Class Keep Making

Don’t try to tackle it all at once

First of all, break up your tasks, tackle one room, one cupboard or one section of the cupboard this not only saves you time but helps you critically evaluate if this is clutter or if it can be useful.

Many people want to take it on all at once and quickly begin to feel overwhelmed, anxious and defeated around the idea of decluttering their homes. The decluttering journey doesn’t need to be as painful as some make it out to be.

Take stock

Once you’ve systematically gone through all your clutter it’s important to make a list of items you want to donate, sell or throw away.

Once you’ve categorized the items in those three categories its time to price tag the items you want to sell. Use a site link Gumtree or OLX to price compare similar products and get a feel for the pricing you should be charging and what the going rates are.

Garage sale

Now, you may be wondering, do people still hold garage sales? They do! Garage sales are still a great way to make money off things you don’t want, especially if you have a lot you want to sell. So, if you want to sell as much as possible and don’t mind debating prices with potential buyers, holding a garage sale is definitely a great idea.

Auction house

Auction houses can make your loose assets available for lots people to buy. This is ideal for items like indoor and outdoor furniture, appliances, computers/ laptops, televisions and audio equipment.

When it comes to selling your assets through an auction house, make sure:

  • You sell your unwanted assets through a reputable auction house
  • You clean and mend assets as much as possible before they go on an auction

Sell and buy websites

There are a lot of websites that allow you to upload pictures and descriptions of your unwanted items for others to view and buy. This is a quick and easy way to get rid of things without having to spend too much time.Just make sure you send high-quality images as well as great descriptions of the items you wish to sell. This way, you’re more likely to get people to buy your items.

A retail store that buys and sells second-hand items

Selling your items to a store that sells second-hand items is a quick and easy way to get rid of your clutter. You leave the difficult part of finding a buyer to the retail store.These stores usually accept a wide range of second-hand goods, including electronics, musical instruments, tools and gaming consoles.

Game shops

Console and computer games are very expensive when you first buy them, so it’s a shame to just let them sit and collect dust when they are no longer being played. Luckily, most game shops will buy games from you to sell in their stores as pre-played games.

Antique stores

If you have unique, valuable and aged items, they may be worth quite a lot of money. Whether it’s a dresser from your great-grandparents, an old camera or a set of special spoons, take your items to an antique store to see if you can get some money for these old items.

Facebook groups

Selling your items with the help of Facebook groups is extremely convenient. You do not need to hold a garage sale or set up a costly website; all you need to do is join a few groups that encourage selling, upload photos and descriptions of your items onto the group pages and then wait for interested buyers to contact you.


Once you’ve sold off the last of your goods and you still have some items with no real market value. Why not donate that to charity? This could be old clothes, old toys or electronics and even old media like music and movies.

While these items would just sit around collecting dust in your home, they could mean the world to someone else.

Declutter and distress

Now that you’ve got rid of all those unwanted items you’ll have more space in your home for items you may want to use but haven’t Like the old gym equipment or turn the room into art studio you always wanted.

Getting rid of your clutter cannot only earn you cash but help you get into a different frame of mind. This type of exercise will help you realise how much money you waste on items and how to be more cautious about spending.

Helping you reduce your expenses and eventually break the recurring cycle of debt.

Once you’ve earned some extra cash here are tips on what to do with it – How Do You Use Your Extra Cash? 13th Cheque Tips

Manage your debt effectively

If you still need help with your savings and you’re feeling overwhelmed by your current financial situation, feel free to contact us. To Speak to one our consultants about debt review contact us here.

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